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Report Overview
The Data Status report provides data submitters and users of the New Hampshire Comprehensive Healthcare Information System (NH CHIS) data warehouse (MedInsight) with information regarding the status of the claim and eligiblity files that are collected for inclusion in the data warehouse.
This report allows interested parties to determine which claim and eligibility files have been incorporated into the data warehouse and which files may not be included because the files have not yet been received or are being withheld pending correction of data issues.
Helpful Hints:
Report filters at the top of the report enable users to select specific time periods, or other parameters of particular interest.
The default sort is by Company Name, but the user may click on the arrow in any of the other columns to sort ascending, or decending.
The reports are exportable in various formats and are also printable.
The report includes the following information:
Company Name - The name of the organization submitting the file to NH CHIS.
Parent Payer Code - A roll-up code for each organization submitting data to the NH CHIS. Some organizations send data from separate divisions or subsidiaries.
Payer Code - The organization or division submitting the file.
File Type - The type of data included in the file. Available values are:
- DC - Dental Claims
- MC - Medical Claims
- ME - Medical Claims (enrollment)
- PC - Pharmacy Claims
File Year and Month - Pertains to the last Paid Year and Month (or posted year and month for eligibility files) for the data included in the file.
Data Rows - The count of records in the file.
Data Warehouse Status - Indicate if the file has been incorporated into the data warehouse or not. Available values are:
- Missing - Data file was not received
- Failed - Data were received but the file did not pass the defined data field edits and quality checks
- Awaiting Staging - Data have passed initial field and quality checks and are in queue for Milliman MedInsight data warehouse processing. MedInsight is a front-end reporting system available to users who have designated permissions from the State of New Hampshire
- Loaded to Staging - Data have been loaded to the Milliman MedInsight data warehouse for final processing
Data Upload ID - A system generated ID for every file loaded into the data warehouse.
Data Warehouse Load Date - The date the file was successfully imported into the staging database.