Fulfilled NH CHIS Limited-Use Data Requests

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Log of Fulfilled NH CHIS Limited-Use Data Requests

Request Date Requestor(s) Organization(s) State(s) Service Year(s) Request Description/Purpose(s)
11/21/2024 Jonas Swartz & Lauren Anderson Duke University NC 2016 - 2024 Quantifying how chronic illness and high-risk pregnancy conditions affect those capable of pregnancy.
11/18/2024 Xuerong Wen University of Rhode Island RI 2014 - 2024 Retrospective Outcome Studies for Medication Safety.
04/18/2024 Nisha Bhatta University of Illinois Chicago IL 2013 - 2022 The effects of consolidation in oral healthcare: Do DSOs increase dental care utilization?
12/26/2023 Ron Berman Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania PA 2018 - 2022 Impact of Price Transparency on Healthcare Prices
12/26/2023 Ann James University of Illinois Chicago IL 2012 - 2023 Uncertainty, Information and Investment in Medical Care
02/27/2023 David Dranove Northwestern University IL 2012 - 2022 Obstacles to accessing care: claim denials and cost-sharing in health insurance.
01/23/2023 Xuerong Wen University of Rhode Island RI 2012 - 2022 Retrospective Outcome Studies for Medication Safety.
03/04/2022 David Dranove Northwestern University IL 2011-2021 Insurer Competition and Quality Provision in Health Insurance Market
03/03/2022 Haizhen Lin Indiana University IN 2011-2021 Plan Switching and Health Outcomes in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance.
02/16/2022 Chris Tyson AHRM Inc. PA 2018-2021 The Effect of ibs-smart on Healthcare Resource Utilization for the Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Disorder in a Real World Setting
01/24/2022 Haizhen Lin Indiana University IN 2011-2021 Plan Switching and Health Outcomes in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance.
12/07/2021 Valerie Harder University of Vermont VT Oct 2015 - June 2021 Impact of New Hampshire Opioid Prescribing Policy on Hospital Utilization for Opioid Overdose.
10/27/2021 William Soares University of Massachusetts Medical School - Baystate MA 2014-2018 Spoiler: Towards Safer Prescribing of Legal Opiods from the Emergency Room.
09/02/2021 Jeremy Fox Rice University TX 2010-2019 The Effects of Deductibles on Health Care Costs and Utilization.
09/01/2021 Calvin Ackley US Bureau of Economics Analysis MD 2010-2016 Examine the effects of generalized provider tiering (GPT) on the market for medical services.
08/20/2021 Gaston Lopez Northwestern University - Economics Department IL 2010-2019 Competition, Demand Spilovers and Technlolgy Adoption: Evidence from the Hospital Industry.
03/31/2021 Calvin Ackley US Bureau of Economics Analysis MD 2006-2016 Examine the effects of generalized provider tiering (GPT) on the market for medical services.
03/31/2021 Sofia Campos / Walrath GA 2016-2019 Assessing Effective Zero Suicide Provider Practices.
11/17/2020 Elena Prager Northwestern University IL 2010-2019 The proposed project seeks to study the effect of network structure and out-of-network reimbursement on prices, utilization, provider competition, and spending. Managed care plans, HMOs, and many ACA exchange plans give their enrollees access to limited networks of providers. The goal of this project is to understand how limited networks affect patients and what motivates carriers to use limited networks.
11/01/2020 NH DHHS NH DHHS NH 2005-2020
08/27/2020 Justus Timmers University of Texas at Austin TX 2010-2019 To analyze both theoretical and empirical obstacles consumers face purchasing coverage with the lowest medical rates.
08/27/2020 Haizhin Lin Indiana University IN 2010-2019 Investigate changes in healthcare consumption behavior and how it affects health outcomes.
08/27/2020 Yujie Feng Cornell University NY 2010-2019 Healthcare price transparency and medical treatment utilization.
08/27/2020 Victoria Yang Archway Health MA 2017-2019 Identifying best performing providers for developing an Episode Payment Market in NH.
08/27/2020 Keith Dookeran University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee WI 2010-2019 Development of risk stratification predictions in longitudinal claims data.
08/27/2020 Noor Alam Northeastern University MA 2010-2019 Empirical investigation of risk factors associated with OUD and premature discontinuation from Naloxone for OUD.
01/06/2020 Sebastian Linde Grand Valley State University MI 2005-2018 Price transparency: 1 - How reimbursement payments are negotiated. 2 - How NH Health Cost has impacted bargaining power of both health care providers and insurance companies.
08/23/2019 Summer Hawkins Boston College MA 2009-2015 Evaluate the overall impact of the ACA preventive health services AND Evaluate the impact of the ACA preventive health servcies across social determinants. THEN compare across states.
08/22/2019 Eric Gokcen Temple University Hospital PA 2017 Compare the total cost associated with between services provided by an orthopeadist vs. a podiatrist for ankle fractures.
06/19/2019 JoAnna Leyenaar Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College NH 2012-2017 Urban-rural disparities in healthcare utilization and quality for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age with social risk factors and chronic illnesses. (3 aims)
06/10/2019 Kimberly Phillips UNH Institute on Disability NH 2014-2017 Define and articulate what is known about the health and health care utilization of health insurance claimants with IDD in NH.
03/11/2019 Sean Nicholson Cornell University NY 2010-2017 Study how consumers and health care providers react to the introduction of alternative health care service facilities and whether consumers can be better off by the availability of the alternative.
02/27/2019 Calvin Ackley Boston University MA 2006-2016 Examine the effects of generalized provider tiering (GPT) on the market for medical services.
01/29/2019 Prudhomme White UNH NH 2005-2018 Analyze and compare med visits for 2 groups with TBI.
11/19/2018 Robert Town & Maryam Saeedi The University of Texas at Austin TX 2005-2017 Our motivation is the observation by some studies that higher provider price transparency does not necessarily lead to lower prices in the health care market. Our objective is to analyze this problem both theoretically and empirically. From a theoretical perspective, we are interested in modeling the method the consumers choose providers with or without access to pricing data as well as quality data. Such model can identify various trade-offs involved in this process such as the importance of pricing data for various types of consumers and the use of prices as signal for quality.
10/16/2018 JoAnna Leyenaar Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College NH 2012-2017 Determine urban-rural disparities in healthcare utilization and quality for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age with social risk factors and chronic illnesses. (3 aims)
08/30/2018 Sebastian Linde Grand Valley State University MI 2005-2017 Price transparency: 1 - How reimbursement payments are negotiated. 2 - How NH Health Cost has impacted bargaining power of both health care providers and insurance companies.
08/30/2018 Joseph Bosco NHU Langone Orthopaedic Hospital NY 2013-2016 Identify prescribing patterns of narcotic pain medications among medical providers for musculoskeletal conditions.
08/14/2018 James Whedon Southern California University of Health Sciences CA 2017 Are clinical and cost outcomes associated with the Primary Spine Care clinical model superior to those of usual care? Primary Spine Care is an emerging model of clinical spine care. The purpose is to evaluate clinical and cost outcomes associated with the Primary Spine Care clinical model. Evidence supportive of the hypothesis may aid the development of primary care pathways that offer increased value for the care of spine related disorders.
12/18/2017 James Whedon Southern California University of Health Sciences CA 2011-2016 Are clinical and cost outcomes associated with the Primary Spine Care clinical model superior to those of usual care? Primary Spine Care is an emerging model of clinical spine care. The purpose is to evaluate clinical and cost outcomes associated with the Primary Spine Care clinical model. Evidence supportive of the hypothesis may aid the development of primary care pathways that offer increased value for the care of spine related disorders.
11/02/2017 FTC FTC NH 2013-2017
10/24/2017 Summer Hawkins Boston College - School of Social Work MA 2010-2017 To evaluate the overall impact of ACA preventive health services on the uptake of preventive care and screening across social determinants and compare these results across states.
07/07/2017 Jason Jeffords MMS Analytics, Inc. NH 2014-2015 Analysis of claims data sets, literature, and anecdotal evidence all indicate costs vary widely for equivalent medical care and prescription drugs. The purpose of this study is to better understand how group membership (e.g. as defined by Coverage Type and Market Category) contributes to these cost and pricing disparities.
07/07/2017 Kimberley H. Geissler, Ph.D. University of Massachusetts MA 2005-2015 examine the relationship between coordination of care and utilization patterns and cost, access, quality, utilization, and health outcomes.
07/07/2017 Rui Wang Tulane University LA 2005-2015 To evaluate the overall impact of ACA preventive health services on the uptake of preventive care and screening across social determinants and compare these results across states.
07/07/2017 Summer Hawkins Boston College - School of Social Work MA 2009-2015 To evaluate the overall impact of ACA preventive health services on the uptake of preventive care and screening across social determinants and compare these results across states.
12/01/2016 Dr. Vincent Williams University of Connecticut Health Center NH 2005-2015 To better assess the rate, reason, predictive risk factors, location of (index hospital vs. other facility), and healthcare costs associated with readmission after total joint arthroplasty.
12/01/2016 Barbara Prudhomme White University of New Hampshire NH 2005-2015 Describe rates and types of brain injury across the state, including cluster analyses; what public health regions, counties and zip codes have the highest occurrence of acquired brain injury? What are the demographics (race, sex, age, income, education)? Describe general health histories of persons acquired brain injury; what other health characteristics do people with brain injury carry
12/01/2016 Mary Fields FTC (Dartmouth Elliot) NH 2005-2015
03/22/2016 Harlan Krumholz Yale University CT 2010 Evaluate the association between emotional health and wellbeing of a population with hospitalization rates
03/22/2016 Mia DeSoto Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) MD 2013 Our study will guide researchers and policy makers on the application of APCDs to quality and cost reporting and provide more confidence to the public about the information from APCDs by identifying areas of strength and gaps to be addressed in the future.
03/22/2016 James Whedon Southern California University of Health Sciences CA 2013-2014 To evaluate the association between use of chiopractic care and use of high risk drugs, and risk of adverse drug events. Increased utilization of non-pharmacological, integrative approaches - such as chiropractic care - for patients with low back pain is likely to be beneficial, but there is a crirtical need to evaluate the influence of chiropractic care on the use of prescription medications with regard to safety.
03/10/2016 Eric Turer JSI/Community Health Institute NH 2014 Primary Care access patterns for residents of New Hampshire.
12/18/2015 Craig Garthwaite Northwestern University IL 2005-2014 Examine the effects of NH price transparency initiatives on cosumer demand and on prices.
12/17/2015 James Whedon Southern California University of Health Sciences CA 2014 To describe state-level variations in provider availability, patient utilization, and health plan expenditures associated with insurance claims for integrative health services. The findings will inform the appropriate utilization of integrative health services, and will help healthcare consumers, providers and policy makers monitor progress towards achieving equitable access to integrative health services.
08/26/2015 Amanda E. Kowalski Yale University, National Bureau of Economic Research CT 2005-2014 The objective of this study is to measure the amount that young, healthy individuals subsidize the healthcare of older, sicker individuals. This information would help inform a decision regarding the amount of cross-subsidization that is socially optimal in insurance markets. These answers, in turn, have implications for other portions of the ACA, including individual mandate.
08/26/2015 Andrew J. Houtenville Institute of Disability, UNH NH 2007-2014 Given that the existence of health disparities suggest a differential receipt of services among people with intellectual disabilities compared to the rest of the population, identifying and addressing unmet need (e.g., inadequate cancer screening, poor management of epilepsy, higher risk for other chronic conditions, poor vision, and mental health problems with potential misuse of psychotropic medications) associated with service use in health related areas for people with intellectual disabilities by researching valid and reliable data sources and analytic techniques to understand risk factors associated with health disparities between people with and without intellectual disabilities.
05/14/2015 Chrysalyne D. Schmults MD, MSCE Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School MA 2005-2014 The purpose of this reasearch study is to estimate the occurrence, treatment, and cost of care for skin cancer in the United States state-by-state utilizing All-Payer Claims Databases of healthcare expenditures in states with these systems, and via data from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services in all 50 states.
05/14/2015 Haizhen Lin Indiana University IN 2009-2014 Health insurance carriers face a “two-sided market”: A larger provider network leads to more consumer enrollment, which in turn encourages more providers to join the plan’s network. Therefore consumer behavior and provider behavior jointly create a positive network effect. Network effect is crucial in determining market structure in health insurance markets. Despite its importance, the two-sidedness of insurance market has been largely ignored in the literature. This project aims to fill the gap in the literature and will shed lights on insurer competition and provide policy implications for insurer mergers.
05/14/2015 Stacey Eccleston Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute MA 2009-2014 The purpose of the project is two-fold: To evaluate the extent of variation in costs and quality of care for similar conditions or episodes, to attribute the variation to differences in prices versus utilization and to include that information in national benchmarks. The second is to provide transparency on costs and quality of care by publishing metrics for the state and specific to providers. The information will be made available and published free of charge.
05/14/2015 Steve Cicala and Ethan Lieber Harvard University and University of Chicago IL 2005-2014 Many states and the federal government have established medical loss ratios that could influence how health insurers behave. Very little is known about insurer's responses to mandated medical loss ratios. We will use regression analysis to compare the probability of claim denial for patients as well as the supply of care provided before and after the medical loss ratio goes into insurance from a self-insured company (not subject to the medical loss ratio regulation) as control groups.
04/22/2015 Craig Garthwaite Northwestern University IL 2005-2014 We are interested in studying how the NH HealthCost transparency initiative affected consumer choice and provider pricing. The HealthCost initiative is the most comprehensive healthcare transparency initiative in the country, and therefore interesting in its own right. Furthermore, understanding the consequences of the initiative is important because of the broader movement towards consumer directed health care plans (CDHP).
04/22/2015 Craig Garthwaite Northwestern University IL 2005-2014 This project will look at the relationship between macroeconomic fluctuations and the health of the pool of privately insured patients.
04/22/2015 Craig Garthwaite Northwestern University IL 2005-2014 This project will investigate the determinants of medical treatment decisions. A central questions in healthcare economics and most important questions underlying health policy decisions is whether providers make "the right" treatment decisions. Determining when physicians make "the right" treatment decisions, as well what forces (such as immediate financial incentives, monitoring by patients/insurers or long run reputational concerns) affect the extent of deviations is of great policy import.
04/22/2015 Ateev Mehrotra, MD Harvard Medical School MA 2006-2014 To understand the impact of Health Cost and price transparency initiatives more boradly, we propose a comprehensive evaluation assessing its impact on utilzation and price shopping behavior.
04/22/2015 Jianjing Lin Department of Economics, University of Arizona AZ 2005-2014 The purpose of this project is to study the effect of price transparency on health care expenditure. The way to shop medical goods and services is different in the sense that price actually paid is remarkably opaque. The goal of this project is to fill gaps in this evidence base and provide sound empirical support for future policy.
04/22/2015 Kate Ho Columbia University NY 2005-2014 As healthcare economists, our goal is to find ways to improve healthcare efficiency and patient welfare. To that end, we are interested in physician practice style and under what circumstances physician practice style is inefficient or conributes to wasteful healthcare spending.
04/22/2015 Keith Marzilli Ericson Boston University School of Management MA 2005-2014 We will use health insurance claims data from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Kansas to examine characteristics of physician provider networks and health insurance policies, as well as possible relationships with patient and economic outcomes. To conduct the analyses, we will use regression techniques, network analysis, and simulation. The study will be used to better understand provider and enrollee behaviors.
04/22/2015 Robert Town The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania PA 2005-2014 Our motivation is the observation by some studies that higher provider price transparency does not necessarily lead to lower prices in the health care market. Our objective is to analyze this problem both theoretically and empirically. From a theoretical perspective, we are interested in modeling the method the consumers choose providers with or without access to pricing data as well as quality data. Such model can identify various trade-offs involved in this process such as the importance of pricing data for various types of consumers and the use of prices as signal for quality.
04/22/2015 Sarah Miller University of Michigan MI 2005-2014 The goal of this project is to understand how patent protection of prescription drugs affects the utilization of these drugs, the costs faced by consumers and insurers, and the health of patients.
07/18/2011 Craig Garthwaite Northwestern University IL 2005-2010 This project will look at the relationship between macroeconomic fluctuations and the health of the pool of privately insured patients. The project will study the causes of health insurance rate increases. Also, it will study the reclassification of risk by applying market information to theory.
06/30/2011 Haizhen Lin Indiana University IN 2005-2009 Variations in healthcare cost.
06/19/2011 Dr. Mita Lodh Optumas AZ 2009-2010 Leveraging commercial claims data in order to research market linkages, population distributions, claims cost patterns, and healthcare risk to produce generalizable knowledge. The information will be used to analyze and refine current health reform models, implications of ACA for state agencies, and produce publicly available reports to address public policy questions.
06/15/2011 Margaret Langelier University at Albany NY 2009-2010
12/27/2010 Ross Winkelman Wakely Consulting Group CO 2006-2009 Development of the first free, publicly available, and open source Commercial Risk Adjustment Tool and commercial pricing model. These tool [sic] is designed specifically for risk adjustment implementation and actuarial benefit valuation under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, and as such will be very useful to State entities.
10/04/2010 Constance Salemi U.S. Federal Trade Commission DC 2005-2009 Data will be used to examine hypotheses regarding the pricing of physician services across New Hampshire, especially in areas where pricing power may be growing. The analysis is intended to support a recommendation to the FTC Bureaus and possibly to the FTC itself to close or continue an investigation of the physician services markets in central New Hampshire.
09/17/2010 Jo Porter University of New Hampshire, NH Institute for Health Policy and Practice (NHIHPP) NH 2005-2009 NHIHPP has several projects, including the NH Citizens Health Initiative, that seek to understand the cost and quality drivers within New Hampshire's healthcare system. To do this, the Initiative will produce a series of standard and ad hoc summary reports. Our hypothesis is that there are a multitude of diagnoses and medical conditions that are driving the majority of costs within the system. We expect to run a series of summary reports as the first step in order to provide an overall picture of the state, and then run a series of drill-down reports. We are interested in price variation across payers, providers, insurance product line, medical conditions, and regional differences. We also expect to apply an episode treatment grouper methodology to the data set.
03/29/2010 Judy Rees New Hampshire State Cancer Registry NH 2005-2008 Create a matched, linked database from state cancer registry, claims, and hospital discharge data. Linked data will be used to evaluate potential enhancements that can be made to New Hampshire State Cancer Registry data via linkages with other data. Additionally, with better quality registry data, it may be possible to perform evaluations of the data that will ultimately benefit the population. The project is a first step towards that goal and, as such, is unlikely to show an immediate direct benefit. However, the database that will be created by this linkage will then be available to (and owned by) NH DHHS for a variety of future research and public health uses. Project involves CDC, Westat, NH DHHS, Onpoint, Dartmouth.
12/04/2008 Stephen Norton New Hampshire Center for Public Policy Studies NH 2005-2008 Comparison of payments for services to providers; comparison of payments to providers by insurer; analysis of cost drivers in New Hampshire; commercial insurance coverage of mental health services
11/20/2008 Peter Antal Antal Consulting, LLC NH 2006 Analysis of potential barriers to care for near-elderly women in New Hampshire
05/23/2007 William Perry; Patrick Miller Maine Health Information Center (Perry); New Hampshire Citizens Health Initiative (Miller) ME (Perry); NH (Miller) 2005-2007 Review of high-level cost drivers in New Hampshire's healthcare system; comparison of cost variation across payers, providers, employer group size, and regions of New Hampshire